10 Most Dangerous Highways In India!

Written By

Ruchika Mandora

This road is the best image of death above clouds because it is 16500 feet above sea level.

Bum La, Arunachal Pradesh

The Hindustan-Tibet Road begins from Ambala in Haryana and passes via Himachal Pradesh.

National Highway 22, Himachal Pradesh

Blind curves and no divider make driving difficult and risky. This route has many head-on crashes and pileups.

NH66, Maharashtra

This road's sharks and zig-zags are every driver's worst fear. From above, it looks like a tangle of roads.

Gata Loops, Ladakh

Nathula Pass is on the line between India and China. It is at 14,000 ft. Riding in snow, hail, or rain is very dangerous.

Nathula Pass, Sikkim

The Khardungla Pass is 5602 m above sea level and is on the Silk Route between India and China.

Khardungla Pass

The tight turns and bends on Koli Hill Road in Tamil Nadu put it on this list of some of the most dangerous roads in India.

Koli Hill Road, Tamil Nadu

A 3538-m-high, narrow, uneven road is difficult to drive.Zojila Pass, one of India's best road journeys, located in a barren area.

Zoji La Pass, Himalayas

It's a 42-kilometer-long road that requires drivers to pay close attention and passengers to hold on tight.

Karcham Chitkul, Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh

There are many risks on this road. Landslides, heavy rain, dirt, and snow make the roads slippery in this area.

Rohtang Pass, Himachal Pradesh