10 Most Remote Places On The Earth!

Written By

Ruchika Mandora

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Nauru—nicknamed "Pleasant Island"—is the world's least visited country. With about 160 visitors a year, you may enjoy a small island paradise without crowds.


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Pitcairn Island is way out in the middle of the ocean. More exactly, in the Pacific Ocean, between New Zealand and Peru, almost in the middle.

Pitcairn Island

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Macquarie Island is located between New Zealand and Antarctica, and is populated by scientists manning the Australian base on the island

Macquarie Island

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There are four islands that make up the Tristan da Cunha island group. Tristan da Cunha, Nightingale, Inaccessible, and Gough Island

Tristan da Cunha

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Kiribati is an island state in the Pacific Ocean, close to the equator. It is made up of 32 atolls that are spread out over 3.5 million km².


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It is the northernmost permanent town in Canada. It is a small Inuit village on Ellesmere Island, at the end of Nansen Sound.

Grise Fiord

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This island in Greenland's northern edge is the world's northernmost. The Copenhagen Mineralogical Museum's coffee club inspired the island's name.

Coffee Club Island

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However, seeing the massive Moai statues in person is worth the long travel. It's stunning!

Easter Island

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Socotra is known as "the most alien-looking place on earth" and has a third of the world's indigenous vegetation and animals.


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The Kerguela, or Desolation Islands, in the Indian Ocean are likewise far away! The nearest uninhabited island group is 450 kilometers away.


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