A Journey To The Asia's Cleanest Village : Mawlynnong!

Written By

Gopika VC

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Mawlynnong is surrounded by lush green plantations. Waterfalls lead to small streams, and orchids hang from trees and hedges, adding to the beauty of the area.

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 Even though people live there, every corner and nook of the place is full of nature and cleanliness. 

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Town residents worry about cleanliness since bamboo garbage cans are everywhere. Villagers always clean their dwellings.

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Aside from tourism, the most important things about the town are how many people are educated and how women are treated.

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  Women usually run significant jobs. It's noteworthy that children take their mothers' last names and that wealth passes from mother to youngest daughter in these places.

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 You must see Mawlynnong's Jingmaham Living Root Bridge. Another natural wonder is this 500-year-old live root bridge.

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The suspension bridge is made of nothing that was made in a factory. Beautiful scenery can be seen on the way to the Living Root bridge.

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 Trekking takes you through jungles, small towns, and narrow waterways. Nature developed the Jingmahan Living Root Bridge, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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The Sky View, an 85-foot-tall bamboo viewing tower, is another interesting thing the locals have built there. 

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Since it's on the India-Bangladesh border, the peak offers stunning views of the town and Bangladesh's plains. It'll be gorgeous.

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In Mawlynnong, there are a lot of guest houses and home stays to choose from. From Shillong, you can also plan a one-day trip.

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The nearest airport and railway station are in Guwahati.

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