You Should Know These 10 Amazing Kolkata Metro Facts!

Written By

Ruchika Mandora

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Indira Gandhi laid the foundation stone in 1972, and development began in 1973-74!

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India's Oldest Metro!

The Kolkata Metro transports about five lakh passengers daily—an exceptional travel arrangement!

Most Crowded Metro!

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The lowest five-kilometer fee in the world is Rs.5! Rates changed from the ten-kilometer separation!

Cheapest tickets in the World!

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The Metro will take you from the city's southernmost point to its northernmost point in a few minutes.

One of Kolkata's Fastest Transportation Options!

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‘What Calcutta thinks today, India thinks tomorrow’ is a platitude that many of you will understand.

Absolutely enormous

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The massive underground structure is maintained by air-cooled ventilators, not aeration and cooling systems

It is completely air-cooled!

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The Kolkata metro began as an alternative transport system to reduce the city's traffic problems.

Different choice for 6.2% Roads in Kolkata

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Seeing an air-conditioned rake in the station on a hot summer day is like getting a quick shower.

Rakes with Intermittent air conditioning!

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Rabindra Sarobar Metro Station had the most suicides! After the last train left, people are said to saw ghosts!

Definitely the Creepiest!

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Kolkata metro  is commonly shown in Bollywood films.

Movies feature it more than any other Indian metro!

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