Ethics Policy
About the website
Peopleplaces is a one-stop website that aims in bringing reliable information about some of the scenic, undiscovered locations in India to all the travel enthusiasts out there as well as fascinating articles about famous people and social media influencers who have amassed a sizable following on both real life and social media. The articles on the websites can be beneficial to people who love to travel and the ones who like to find out more news about their favorite celebrity as the website provide needed information about new locations and experiences, along with information on the recent events in the life of your favorite celebrities.
Our ethics policy strictly binds the content we publish on our website.
The ethics policy of Peoplesplace sets a standard guideline for every member associated with the website. It also ensures that all dealings made between parties that involve the name of the website will be done honestly and professionally, giving importance to integrity and fairness. The ethical policy is also bound to all standard dealing that involves customers, stakeholders, or partners associated with the website. The ethics policy binds not just people who are connected to the group like the employees, but also the indirect connections like associates or anyone who is involved in matters concerning the website.
Compliance with Rules and Regulations
It will ensure that all the staff including directors, employees, and associates of the website will carry out the business procedures strictly adhering to the legal laws and regulations that bind us. Any practices that might involve any unlawful or illegal practices or anything that could tarnish the image and the name of the company will be avoided at any cost.
Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption
It will be made sure that no staff who is associated with the website will demand or give any type of offer, including financial assets to anyone to retain or obtain an advantage that has an effect on the functioning of the website. Suppose any external agencies approach any of the staff where they offer any benefit in the form of a bribe, in that case, it must be reported to the higher authorities in the company.
If at all, any of the staff associated with the website wishes to report any wrongdoing on our part that they believe is in the public interest, they are welcome to share the thought. All the employees at our firm are entitled to the right to express their concern with concerns confidently. The opinion can be expressed to the respective in-charge and if you demand to speak to any higher authority, provisions will be made for that too. The company also will make sure that such issues will be handled with the utmost confidentiality.
Misuse of Company Assets
All the people working at the firm are expected to take care of properties that belong to the company. The resources provided by the company should not be misused and they should be used only for the benefit of the company, for which it is intended. The asset or resources can include physical assets and also intellectual assets like inventions, copyrights, patents, or trademarks.
Competition and Fair Dealing
It should be made sure that all the employees who are associated with the website are required to deal fairly with anyone including their fellow employees or any third/external parties in matters regarding the website. The employees or anyone working on the behalf of the website should not take unfair advantage of anyone through manipulation or missing their position.
Avoiding Conflicts of Interest
All the employees who are associated with the website are required to take decisions and also to act in the best interest of the proper working of the website. They should also try to avoid situations that might stop them from taking decisions in the best interest of the firm. If any of the staff at all, comes across such a situation, it must be notified to the higher officials.
Professionalism and appropriate behavior
We strictly aim at providing the best work atmosphere for our employees, where it will be a mutually supportive environment, free of inappropriate behavior and harassment on grounds of subjects like age, race, caste, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Professionalism at the workplace will be made sure through high standards of integrity, honesty in work, and mutual respect towards colleagues.